904 354 8329 info@yigadmin.com

Why Offer LifeLock?


Offer new ways to protect your clients and their employees!

-Most brokers don’t sell it & aren’t knowledgeable about IDTheft

-Most employers don’t have ID protection as a benefit

-Best Protection  –  Best Brand  –  Best Service – LifeLock

-Everybody needs protection  – 66% of people say they want it

-Employers are interested in and an easy topic to start a conversation

Revenue stream

Continuous new revenue on existing clients!

-Participation – 43% in our book of business

-Persistency – high 90%

Easy to start

 Not insurance  –  no participation requirements – no licensing  – no 5500!

-No upfront fees to begin selling – no quotas – no minimum group size**

-Voluntary  or Employer paid

 Build Goodwill

Your clients will thank you for bringing them a new product!

-Good value employees; industry’s BEST coverage at a very low price

– Protects employees while it protects the company’s bottom line

 Great on Offense &  Great on Defense

Excellent Prospecting tool!

– Differentiator, something new, people are interested in

-Close the back door to other agents who use IDT as a prospecting tool


Contact us today to begin selling this valuable employee benefit!